About Feli Kiwi

The Origin

Born and raised in Brooklyn, NY, Lala always had a niche in the fashion world. As a kid, she would doodle jackets, skirts and dresses. According to her mom, she always had a keen sense of style but never took it seriously.

Who could've predicted she'd be back in that world 20 years later? Lala ultimately made the decision to tap into her raw talent and went from her completed Mass Communications/Broadcast Technology studies (or to put it in plain terms, Radio & TV), to a career in Fashion Design and Merchandising/Marketing. Picking a name was easy, so she included herself (using her nickname) because she translates her concepts into what women want and she likes to fuse food and fashion like most of us. Since kiwifruit is her fave, it just made sense..

What makes Feli Kiwi pieces so special is that everything is hand crafted which gives each customer the gift of a custom product. Clients achieve their own stylish look, not looking like the next person and Feli Kiwi answers to that with each release!

Lala now lives by her personal motto which keeps her passion for creating affordably awesome pieces alive: It only gets better from here!

The Vision

With accomplishments under the belt, Feli Kiwi is planning on becoming a household name. 
They're taking independent franchise to another level with events like Brains & Beauty Pageant and Strictly Indie Fashion Event.

The Eve and La Show, in its embryonic stage, is envisioned as becoming one of the most listened to podcasts in the area, eventually moving into the big leagues..

Being apart of Etsy's huge marketplace, Feli Kiwi is growing their Brooklyn Craft team to continue curating Brooklyn's own independent artisans. Join the movement!

To tie into The Eve and La Show, Women with Opportunities Moving Beyond is an informal collective of independent professional and pre-professional women networking, cross-promoting and celebrating one another.

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