What is SYFE?

While studying Fashion Design & Merchandising/Marketing in New York, NY, Feli Kiwi Owner and Designer Lala was notoriously known for impulsive shopping, praising fashion shows and just knowing how to have a good ol' time with her friends.
As she honed her design skills and dabbled in the independent retail industry, Lala yearned for something different and new. She wanted a "fashion hub" that just didn't exist. Taking on the old-fashioned way of getting things done, she did it herself. Partnering with Donnie R., a Style Influence consulting firm (formerly Deux Trois Entertainment), Feli Kiwi's first outdoor shopping nightlife event successfully debuted in the heart of East Brooklyn!
Due to the nature of this exclusive soiree, it was only fitting to aptly name it Strictly Indie Fashion Event, which is now Strictly Yours Fashion Event--check announcement below. Highlights included a special performance by dance company, Desire Dance, complimentary drinks--with our signature SYFE drink on the menu--and our signature fashion show.
Now the "fashion hub" exists and Lala, who represents the masses with this sentiment, can have all things fun in one place--shopping, entertainment, fashion shows, girlfriends and having a good time!

The people have asked and we've answered!
SYFE hits the runway again in 2020!

If you are
An Independent Fashion Designer | looking for exposure or expanding your brand
A Sponsor/Advertiser | building a new market or marketing to current clientele
A Vendor | creating or growing your customer base
A Media Visionary | shedding light on the next experience

You want to collaborate with Strictly Yours Fashion Event!



High five us, our name has evolved!
New look and logo coming soon
so make sure you're on our radar to
stay in the know!

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